Devlog 4
This week was similar to week 2 in regards to not being able to get as much as I’d like done on the project, namely due to having to deal with other assignments. I was still able to mostly complete the inventory system that I had set out to do, with the player being able to pick up an object that was given the item script. Whilst the player isn’t able to use the item at the moment, I reckon that won’t take too much time regardless of how busy my schedule turns out to be.
I think this week was the one in particular that made me realise how long and dedicated the time in being a game developer has to be, which is especially unfortunate for me considering my current workload (having to have done 4 different, major assignments concurrent with the game project). Regardless, I still enjoy the game development process, and if I had more dedicated time towards this project and a lighter workload, I would have been able to get most of what I had set out to do, even with the vastly reduced timeframe compared to projects I have undertaken in the past. Anyway, rather than have me ramble about my philosophical woes, I’ll explain some of the things I had learned during this week’s progress: This week I expanded on my UI by learning how to incorporate the Interface feature that I had learned in my KIT107 programming classes, thus allowing me to assign not only the item’s name, but image to the appropriate inventory slot. Furthermore, I was able to extent this script to others for individual items, (almost like if the script itself became a parent or prefab asset)
What else became very interesting was how the more and more I added to the game itself, the more technical certain executions of code had to be. Whilst that sounds like a “no duh” statement to make, I meant in the sense that I was more or less used to coding in things that were done for specific cases, but not I have functions that have 5 or so conditionals solely for moving. At this point in time, I’m unsure whether or not this is something I can simplify, or something I have to deal with as I move on in the future with the program. I apologise that this is a shorter devlog than usual, but I hope that the introspection and reflection that it provided was useful.
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